"... this is no vanity disc, pandering to the obsessions of some misguided group of nerds. Rosetti is well worth promoting. ... The music on this disc has been carefully assembled, two symphonies and two piano concertos from c1780, and is informatively introduced in the disc notes by the American authority on the composer, Sterling E. Murray. ... While symphonies by minor composers from the Classical period are well represented in the CD catalogue, concertos, especially piano concertos, are less frequently encountered. The two on this disc date from about five to six years before Mozart′s masterworks. Of course they are not the equal of the Mozart works, but they do show where the greater composer was coming from. Particularly charming are the slow movements, not only in their lyricism but in their blending of piano and orchestral sonority. Nerine Barrett is a most persuasive advocat, with a subtly graded tone and a nice pointing of phrasing that, at the same time, avoids the mannered. ... The label, TACET, is an unusual one with an unusual name (′He′s silent′). It′s well worth pestering your dealer or struggling with the internet to get a copy of this CD..."
David Wyn Jones
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David Wyn Jones
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