(...) The world-renowned Auryn Quartet has been playing together for 27 years without change of personnel: Matthias Lingenfelder and Jens Oppermann (violins), Stewart Eaton (viola), and Andreas Arndt (cello). The performances of Haydn’s op. 20 on these discs are exemplary. Impeccable intonation, attention to detail, expressive dynamics, clarity of inner part-writing, and sensible tempos are coupled with a sufficiently fresh approach to make these discs a necessary part of one’s CD library. (...)
In Fanfare 33:3, colleague Mortimer Frank reviewed the Auryn Quartet’s op. 54 Haydn quartets with very high praise. On that basis I bought that disc as well as the Auryns’ opp. 33, 50, 71, 74, and 76 Haydn discs. I cannot agree more fully with Frank’s appraisal of op. 54, and I will add these other discs to the list. The Auryn Quartet’s Haydn op. 20 is a pair of discs that should be in everyone’s collection. So should other of the Auryns’ Haydn discs.
Burton Rothleder
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Burton Rothleder
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